You can either download the combined OAA QRH PDF (updated July 2024) or print the pages in the following order to create your own version:
0-1 Cover section (UPDATED July 2024)
0-2 Contents (UPDATED)
0-3 Instructions for use
0-4 Location of emergency equipment and drugs
0-5 Suggestions for documentation
0-6 Recommendations for debriefing
0-7 Abbreviations
1-1 Obstetric cardiac arrest
2-1 Eclampsia
2-2 Severe pre-eclampsia
2-3 Altered mental status (UPDATED)
2-4a Anaphylaxis
2-4b Refractory anaphylaxis
2-5 Antepartum haemorrhage (massive)
2-6 Postpartum haemorrhage
2-7 High central neuraxial block
2-8 Local anaesthetic toxicity (UPDATED)
2-9a Severe hyponatraemia
2-9b Hyponatraemia (not severe)
2-10 Diabetic ketoacidosis
3-1 Management of cord prolapse
3-2 Delay in second stage vaginal breech birth [lithotomy position]
3-3 Shoulder dystocia
3-4 Difficulty removing forceps after unsuccessful assisted vaginal birth
3-5 Uterine inversion
4-1 Emergency preterm birth
4-2 Unexpected need for a newborn resuscitation