Previous grants awarded

A summary of some of the recent grants awarded by the OAA and the projects they funded.


Grant award Title, authors, institution Status, abstract, publication or link
   Characterising the fibrinolytic pathways in acute obstetric coagulopathy: A follow-on study. R. Collis, UHW, Cardiff, Wales.


Grant award Title, authors, institution Status, abstract, publication or link
OAA Small Grant £5,000 Placental transfer of sugammadex in the ex vivo human placental perfusion model. T. Bleeser, Leuven, Belgium Ongoing

OAA Medium Grant £19,942.15 Ethnic disparities in obstetric anaesthesia: public engagement project to co-design further investigation of causes of disparities. L. Hinton, Oxford, England Ongoing
OAA Medium Grant £8,843.09 Wechsler intelligence quotient after prenatal exposure to general anaesthesia for maternal abdominal surgery: a propensity score matched multicenter clinical bidirectional cohort study. S. Devroe, Leuven, Belgium Ongoing


Grant award Title, authors, institution Status, abstract, publication or link
OAA Small Grant £4,315 Intergluteal Cleft as a Landmark for nEuraxial midline identification. N Desai, GSTT, London, UK Ongoing

OAA Small Grant £4,600 Characterising the fibrinolytic pathways in acute obstetric coagulopathy: A follow-on study. R. Collis, UHW, Cardiff, Wales To be presented at OAA ASM 2024


Grant award Title, authors, institution Status, abstract, publication or link
OAA Small Grant £4,853 A study of the variation in the provision of care in obstetric anaesthesia in England according to ethnicity using national maternity datasets. J Bamber et al. Cambridge, UK A national cohort study to investigate the association between ethnicity and the provision of care in obstetric anaesthesia in England between 2011 and 2021
OAA Small Grant £3,820 The Maximal Allowable Blood Loss Estimation Calculator for Maternal Haemorrhage (MABLE – MH). S Singh et al. Kilmarnock, UK Ongoing
OAA International Grant £5,000 High- versus low-dose dexamethasone for postoperative analgesia after caesarean section: a randomized, double-blind, two-center study. M Van de Velde et al. Leuven, Belgium Ongoing
OAA Small Grant £5,000 A comparison of intrathecal hyperbaric prilocaine vs bupivacaine for regional anaesthesia indicated for cervical cerclage in pregnancy. A randomised, controlled, trial (PRILOCC Trial). D Onwochei et al. St Thomas Hospital, London, UK Ongoing


Grant award Title, authors, institution Status, abstract, publication or link
OAA QI Grant £4,300 Supporting parents and professionals through neonatal resuscitation in theatre. Godfrey et al. Cardiff. UK Ongoing


Grant award Title, authors, institution Status, abstract, publication or link
OAA QI Grant £1,300 Feasibility of a novel loss of resistance device for identification of the epidural space. S Ciechanowicz et al. UCLH, London, UK Ongoing
OAA QI Grant £15,000 Improving obstetric anaesthetic care in Zambia through multidisciplinary simulation training, mentoring, and increased professional support for anaesthesia providers. S Akrimi et al. Zambia

Zambia Anaesthetic Development Programme


OAA QI Grant £1,784  Tackling antenatal anaemia: a multi-faceted approach. E Powell et al. Cardiff, UK Video: Anaemia and your baby
NIAA Grant £54,011 National Obstetric Anaesthesia Health Audit Research and patient-Centred outcomes project 1 (NOAH’s ARC 1): Neuraxial Anaesthesia for Obstetric Surgery. R Patel et al. UCLH, London, UK Ongoing
NIAA Grant £59,782 Investigation of epidural related maternal fever. C Mullington et al. Imperial, London, UK
OAA Small Grant £4,984 Observational study of peripheral skin temperature changes following spinal anaesthesia for category 4 lower segment caesarean section. L Kessack et al. Cambridge, UK
OAA International Grant £5,000 Disentangling the effects of anesthesia from those of non-obstetric surgery in the rabbit model. T Blesser et al. Leuven, Belgium Effects of Maternal Abdominal Surgery on Fetal Brain Development in the Rabbit Model
OAA International Grant £4,600 High volume PCEA versus PIEB for labor analgesia: a randomized, double blind, multicenter, non-inferiority study in nulliparous women. M Van de Velde et al. Leuven, Belgium


Grant award Title, authors, institution Status, abstract, publication or link
Non-NIAA £8,088 An observational study into the normal TEG 6S values in term pregnant women undergoing elective caesarean section. L Maronge et al. Queens Medical Centre, Nottingham, UK

Poster - An observational study into the normal TEG6s values in term pregnant women undergoing elective caesarean section

Non-NIAA £3,000 Effect of Intrathecal Morphine on Chronic Pain after Elective Caesarean Section: A Randomized Controlled Trial. A Subedi et al. BP Koirala Institute of Health Sciences (BPKIHS) Nepal

Intrathecal morphine does not prevent chronic postsurgical pain after elective Caesarean delivery: a randomised controlled trial

OAA Project Grant £23,917 The obstetric airway management trainer. F Roberts. Sheffield NHS Teaching Hospital, UK Poster - Development of an obstetric difficult airway management trainer
NIAA £59,941 Effect of maternal anaesthesia on short and long-term offspring outcomes: A population-based study. R Kearns et al. University of Glasgow, UK

Neonatal and early childhood outcomes following maternal anesthesia for cesarean section: a population-based cohort study

Association of Epidural Analgesia in Women in Labor With Neonatal and Childhood Outcomes in a Population Cohort

NIAA £48,262 Maternal critical care: identifying at-risk women and understanding the short and long term consequences of critical illness in pregnant or recently pregnant women. University of Edinburgh, UK Severe maternal morbidity in Scotland
NIAA £15,000 Characterising the coagulopathy of postpartum haemorrhage. R Collis et al. University of Cardiff, Cardiff, UK

Non-NIAA £4,550 Obstetric Quality of Recovery scoring tool (ObsQoR-11): a multi-centre study. J O’Carroll et al. Pan-London Perioperative Audit and Research Network (PLAN), UK

OAA QI Grant £15,000 Peripartum hyponatraemia: a UK wide study of management and maternal / neonatal outcomes. N Lucas et al. Northwick Park Hospital, UK


OAA QI Grant £6,000 BEAT: Birth Experiences of Anaesthetic Trainees. R Alder et al. Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, London, UK

Int J Obstet Anesth 2020; 44/S1: S53



Grant award Title, authors, institution Status, abstract, publication or link
OAA project grant £4,510 Remifentanil PCA in Labour - Outcome data analysis from the RemiPCA SAFE Network of the years 2010 to 2015 – Audit of Network Data. A Melber et al. Spital Münsingen, Insel Gruppe AG, Switzerland Remifentanil patient-controlled analgesia in labour: six-year audit of outcome data of the RemiPCA SAFE Network (2010–2015)
NIAA £53,382 A comparison of intrathecal hyperbaric prilocaine vs bupivacaine for regional anaesthesia indicated for cervical cerclage in pregnancy. A randomised, controlled, trial (PRILOCC Trial). D Monks/K Cheeseman et al. St Thomas Hospital, London, UK Ongoing
Non-NIAA £1,458 Acupuncture for the prevention of intrathecal diamorphine-induced itch in elective caesarean section: a randomised controlled trial. T Orr et al. Sheffield NHS Teaching Hospital, UK Int J Obstet Anaesth 2019; 39/S1: S10


Grant award Title, authors, institution Status, abstract, publication or link
Non-NIAA £1,957 Serum blood clotting changes during blood sampling via non-luer one-way filter valve intravenous needle: Implication on the epidural blood patch procedure. A Mahmood et al Leicester Royal Infirmary, Leicester, UK Anaesthesia 2018; 73: 911-912
OAA project grant £15,500 High spinal block as a consequence of obstetric regional anaesthesia / analgesia. N Lucas et al. Northwick Park Hospital, UK Int J Obstet Anesth 2022; 50/S1: S1
NIAA £29,757 Direct REporting of Awareness in MaternitY patients (DREAMY): A multi-centre observational study of accidental awareness under general anaesthesia in obstetric surgery patients. P Odor et al. Pan-London Perioperative Audit and Research Network (PLAN), UK Incidence of accidental awareness during general anaesthesia in obstetrics: a multicentre, prospective cohort study
Non-NIAA £4,914 Analysis of Spatial Variation in Planned Caesarean Section Rates in Scotland” and “a Controlled Study of an Enhanced Recovery Pilot’s Effect on Length of Stay”. A Clark et al University Hospital Crosshouse, Kilmarnock, UK Int J Obstet Anesth 2017; 31/S1: S18.
Non-NIAA £5,000 Platelet function in preeclampsia: Assessment with rotational thromboelastometry (ROTEM). H McNamara et al. Liverpool Women’s Hospital, Liverpool, UK

P.10 Bedside haemostasis measurement and risk of neuraxial block in preeclampsia

Non-NIAA £2,875 Landmark Accuracy for Spinal anaesthesia in Obese Obstetric patients: Should we use Lumbar Ultrasound routinely. F Roberts et al. Sheffield NHS Teaching Hospital, UK

Poster - Accuracy of the landmark technique in spinal anaesthesia for caesarean section in obese parturients. Should ultrasound be used routinely?


Grant award Title, authors, institution Status, abstract, publication or link
Non-NIAA £2,730 An observational study to determine the incidence of inadvertent perioperative hypothermia in patients undergoing emergency caesarean section. R Monteiro et al. Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, London, UK Maternal temperature in emergency caesarean section (MATES): an observational multicentre study
Non-NIAA £5,000 The six minute walk test in pregnant women. A Dennis et al. Royal Womens Hospital, Melbourne, Australia

Resting Hemodynamics and Response to Exercise Using the 6-Minute Walk Test in Late Pregnancy: An International Prospective Multicentre Study


Non-NIAA £4,773 Flow rates and flexural strength of Luer and non-Luer spinal needles, with and without stylets. R Monteiro et al. Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, London, UK

Flow characteristics of Luer and non-Luer spinal needles


Non-NIAA £5,000 Obstructive Sleep Apnoea in Pregnancy. F Pearson et al. Sunderland Royal Hospital, Sunderland, UK

The STOP-Bang Questionnaire as a Screening Tool for Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Pregnancy

Non-NIAA £4,765 Transcutaneous Carbon dioxide levels in labouring women using Remifentanil PCA. J Rajagopalan et al. St Mary’s Hospital, Manchester, UK

Not completed


Grant award Title, authors, institution Status, abstract, publication or link
Non-NIAA £2,540 Epidural asepsis: a pilot study on potential contamination using two techniques when drawing up normal saline. M Wee et al. Poole Hospital NHS Trust, UK

Bacterial contamination of saline used for epidural procedures in an obstetric setting: a randomised comparison of two drawing-up techniques

Non-NIAA £1,300 An evaluation of early warning systems in consultant-led obstetric units in the United Kingdom. M Wee et al. Poole Hospital NHS Trust, UK

Vital signs and other observations used to detect deterioration in pregnant women: an analysis of vital sign charts in consultant-led UK maternity units


NIAA £14,996 Novel strategy in preventing the neurotoxicity of nitrous oxide when used for labour pain relief. Daqing Ma et al Imperial College, London, UK Not completed
Non-NIAA £4,500 Do preoperative carbohydrate drinks benefit parturients undergoing elective caesarean section? A randomised controlled study. A Clark et al. Princess Royal Hospital, Glasgow, UK Pre-operative carbohydrate loading prior to elective caesarean delivery: a randomised controlled trial
Non-NIAA £5,508 Heat flux: the primary driver of shivering. C Mullington et al. St Mary’s Hospital, Imperial Healthcare NHS Trust, London, UK

Body temperature, cutaneous heat loss and skin blood flow during epidural anaesthesia for emergency caesarean section


Non-NIAA £3,000

Active Warming for Elective Caesarean Section, A Randomised Controlled Trial. M Woolnough et al. Sheffield NHS Teaching Hospital, UK

Does the addition of active body warming to in-line intravenous fluid warming prevent maternal hypothermia during elective caesarean section? A randomised controlled trial



Grant award Title, authors, institution Status, abstract, publication or link
NIAA £59,627 Elucidating the molecular mechanism underlying epidural related maternal fever. Role of leucocyte caspase-1 activity in epidural related maternal fever: a single-centre, observational, mechanistic cohort study. G Ackland et al. University College Hospital, London, UK

Inflammation and Epidural-Related Maternal Fever: Proposed Mechanisms

Role of leucocyte caspase-1 activity in epidural-related maternal fever: a single-centre, observational, mechanistic cohort study


NIAA £10,827 Is shivering following neuraxial blockade in obstetric patients related to changes in patient temperature? A prospective observational study. S Malhotra and C Mullington St Mary’s Hospital, Imperial Healthcare NHS Trust, London, UK Body temperature, cutaneous heat loss and skin blood flow during epidural anaesthesia for emergency caesarean section
Non-NIAA £6,203 Can changes in the Pleth Variability Index be used to predict significant hypotension during spinal anaesthesia for Caesarean section? I Wrench et al. Sheffield NHS Teaching Hospital, UK

Changes in pleth variability index and detection of hypotension during spinal anaesthesia for caesarean section


Non-NIAA £3,275 Use of thromboelastography (TEG®) to determine the degree of thromboprophylactic activity 10-12 hours after low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) administration in post-partum women. G Stocks et al. Queen Charlotte’s & Chelsea Hospital, Imperial Healthcare NHS Trust, London UK Thromboelastography (TEG®) demonstrates that tinzaparin 4500 international units has no detectable anticoagulant activity after caesarean section
Non-NIAA £5,000 Double-blind randomised non-inferiority trial to assess efficacy of carbetocin after caesarean section (CS) applied as iv-bolus as compared to a short-infusion. T Girard et al. University Hospital, Basel, Switzerland Efficacy and safety of carbetocin given as an intravenous bolus compared with short infusion for Caesarean section - double-blind, double-dummy, randomized controlled non-inferiority trial
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